Europe House Lecture about relation EU-Overseas Countries and Territories after 2020

dinsdag 18 oktober 2016, 13:49

What should the partnership between the EU and the Overseas Countries and Territories be like after 2020 when the Cotonou Agreement expires? That was the main theme of the Europe House Lecture on Monday 17 October.

Common themes in the speeches and discussions were:

  • redesign partnership to match 21st century needs and potential
  • collaboration, reciprocity and listening to each other
  • differences and similarities between OCTs
  • the Brexit, which may lead to the exit of twelve UK OCTs
  • differentiation: the special status of Greenland
  • inclusion, sustainability, cohesion and human rights

The key note speakers were:

  • Cedrick Tilma, Representative of the Government of Aruba at the EU
  • Nout van Woudenberg, Kingdom Affairs Adviser, Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs
  • Catherine Metdepenningen, Head of Sector, OCT Unit, European Commission DG International Cooperation and Development

The panel members were:

  • Ole Moesby, ambassador of Denmark to the Netherlands
  • Irahim Moussouni, Chef du Bureau des politiques européennes au Ministère des outre-mer
  • Mininnguaq Kleist (Head of Greenland Representation/Minister Counsellor)

Dimitry Kochenov (University of Groningen) was the moderator.


Photo impression

Video recording