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Montesquieu awards
The deadline for applying for the Montesquieu awards 2008 has passed. During a festive gathering on June 20 the prizewinners received their awards. Drawn a blank this year? Not to worry, next year there will be another chance to win a Montesquieu award. The requirements for entry are described below. Good luck!
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Bachelor and Master students whose theses have been rated with at least an 8 (= A) are eligible to enter the competition. Candidates for the awards have obtained their Bachelor or Masters degree in the calender year of 2008. The selection of nominees will be based upon four criteria: a. Originality; b. Significance of the study; c. Overall quality; d. Results and further accomplishments of the thesis. The Awards Jury is made up of one professor and two researchers of the Montesquieu Institute or its participating universities (Leyden, Groningen, Nijmegen and Maastricht), plus a representative of the PDC (Parliamentary Documentation Centre in The Hague).
The 2008 Montesquieu Institute Thesis Award consists of an Award Certificate and a sum of money: € 500,- for the winner. The winning thesis will be published on the website of the Montesquieu Institute.
Students who wish to participate in the award competition are invited to do so if they meet the following conditions:
1.The Bachelor or Master thesis must have been marked with at least an 8 (= A).
2.Participants must provide three copies of the thesis and have it postmarked no later than April 24, 2009 and mailed to the Montesquieu Institute or delivered personally on April 25, 2009 no later than 4 pm at the Institute. Students must also mail a digital copy of the thesis to the e-mail address of the Montesquieu Institute. By sending in the thesis, the sender gives the Montesquieu Institute the right to publish the thesis on its website and use its contents for research and educational purposes. For other purposes the copyright remains with the sender.
The best scientific article written by a junior academic about a subject connected to the fields of Public Administration, Political Science, Law, History or European Studies will be given the EUROPA - Award for Junior Academics. Junior academics are PhD-students. Nominees must have a Masters degree in one of the aforementioned fields. Articles must have been published in 2008 in newspapers or scientific journals.
The selection of articles will be based upon four criteria: a. Originality; b. Significance of the study; c. Overall quality; d. Results and further accomplishments of the paper. The Jury consists of one professor and two researchers of the Montesquieu Institute or its participating Universities (Leyden, Groningen, Nijmegen and Maastricht) and a representative of the PDC (Parliamentary Documentation Centre in The Hague).
The 2007 Montesquieu Europa - Award for Junior Academics will consist of € 1000,- for the winner.
Participants must provide three copies of the article in a letter which must be postmarked no later than April 24 , 2009 or delivered personally on April 25 , 2009 no later than 4 pm. at the Institute. Another requirement is the mailing of a digital copy to the email address of the Montesquieu Institute. By sending in the article, the sender gives the Montesquieu Institute the right to publish the article on its website and use its contents for research and educational purposes. For other purposes the copyright remains with the sender.